Reviewing a Franchise Agreement for a Franchisee Client

Written by Raymond McKenzie on October 29th, 2018

When a franchisee client asks me to review a franchise agreement prior to signing, I review it with the mindset that if the franchisee’s business performs well, the franchisee will be happy with the franchise relationship and the agreement he or she signed, BUT if the franchised business ultimately fails, it is my job to protect the franchisee at the outset in the strongest way possible. Therefore I review a franchise agreement focusing on how best to protect my franchisee client’s personal assets in the event the franchised business fails.  Here are some of the things I look for in the franchise agreement:

1.  does the franchisee have an exclusive territory?

2.  may the franchisor alter the franchisee’s territory during the term of the agreement?

3.  may the franchisee advertise or market for clients outside the designated territory in areas that are not owned by other existing franchisees?

4.  what are the franchisee’s renewal rights? Attempt to limit what terms of the agreement the franchisor may change on renewal.

5.  what social media presence is the franchisee permitted to maintain?

6.  while there is most likely a personal guaranty, who is required to sign it? ie. spouses and/or passive investors?

7.  is there a cap on the personal guaranty of a reasonable amount that the franchisee and franchisor are comfortable with, or is it an unlimited guaranty? When negotiating on behalf of a franchisee, I attempt to limit the cap with the mindset that this amount is the franchisee’s buyout amount in the event the worst occurs and the franchisee has to stop operating.

8.  is there a right of first refusal of the franchisor in the event the franchisee wishes to sell the business, and what are its terms?

9.  is there a unilateral right of the franchisee to terminate the agreement? There are rare, but franchisee counsel should try to push for such a provision anyhow.

10.  are any of the franchisor’s rights to terminate the agreement out of the ordinary or particularly onerous?

11.  is there a liquidated damages clause in the event the franchise agreement is terminated?




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